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JavaBean的属性与一般Java程序中所指的属性,或者说与所有面向对象的程序设计语言中对象的属性是一个概念,在程序中的具体体现就是类中的变量。在JavaBean设计中,按照属性的不同作用又细分为四类:Simple, Index, Bound与Constrained属性。 3.1.1 Simple属性 一个简单属性表示一个伴随有一对get/set方法(C语言的过程或函数在Java程序中称为"方法")的变量。属性名与和该属性相关的get/set方法名对应。例如:如果有setX和getX方法,则暗指有一个名为"X"的属性。如果有一个方法名为isX,则 ...
Long did the hours seem while I waited the departure of the company, and listened for the sound of Bessie's step on the stairs:  sometimes she would come up in the interval to seek her thimble or her scissors, or perhaps to bring me something by way of supper -- a bun or a cheese-cake -- then she wou ...
 From my discourse with Mr. Lloyd, and from the above reported conference between Bessie and Abbot, I gathered enough of hope to suffice as a motive for wishing to get well:  a change seemed near, -- I desired and waited it in silence.  It tarried, however:  days and weeks passed:  I had regained my ...
"No; I should not like to belong to poor people," was my reply. "Not even if they were kind to you?" I shook my head:  I could not see how poor people had the means of being kind; and then to learn to speak like them, to adopt their manners, to be uneducated, to grow up like one ...
错误代码: js 代码 <html> <head> <script language="javascript"> function compare(){  if(document.form1.a.value < document.form1.b.value){   alert("a must more than b" ...
前言 正则表达式是烦琐的,但是强大的,学会之后的应用会让你除了提高效率外,会给你带来绝对的成就感。只要认真去阅读这些资料,加上应用的时候进行一定的参考,掌握正则表达式不是问题。 索引 1._引子 2._正则表达式的历史 3._正则表达式定义 3.1_普通字符 3.2_非打印字符 3.3_特殊字符 3.4_限定符 3.5_定位符 3.6_选择 3.7_后向引用 4._各种操作符的运算优先级 5._全部符号解释 6._部分例子 7._正则表达式匹配规则 7.1_基本模式匹配 7.2_字符簇 7.3_确定重复出现 1. 引子   目前,正则表达式已经在很多软件中得到广泛的应用,包括*nix(L ...
"Yes, sir, Jane Eyre." "Well, you have been crying, Miss Jane Eyre; can you tell me what about?  Have you any pain?" "No, sir." "Oh!  I daresay she is crying because she could not go out with Missis in the carriage," interposed Bessie. "Surely not!  wh ...
  这是一节“前不着村后不着店”的课。不同进制之间的转换纯粹是数学上的计算。不过,你不必担心会有么复杂,无非是乘或除的计算。 生活中其实很多地方的计数方法都多少有点不同进制的影子。 比如我们最常用的10进制, ...
第一、一个目标 一艘没有航行目标的船,任何方向的风都是逆风  1、你为什么是穷人,第一点就是你没有立下成为富人的目 ...
Bessie had been down into the kitchen, and she brought up with her a tart on a certain brightly painted china plate, whose bird of paradise, nestling in a wreath of convolvuli and rosebuds, had been wont to stir in me a most enthusiastic sense of admiration; and which plate I had often petitioned to ...
The next thing I remember is, waking up with a feeling as if I had had a frightful nightmare, and seeing before me a terrible red glare, crossed with thick black bars.  I heard voices, too, speaking with a hollow sound, and as if muffled by a rush of wind or water: agitation, uncertainty, and an all- ...
A singular notion dawned upon me.  I doubted not -- never doubted -- that if Mr. Reed had been alive he would have treated me kindly; and now, as I sat looking at the white bed and overshadowed walls -- occasionally also turning a fascinated eye towards the dimly gleaning mirror -- I began to recall ...
java 代码 <%@ page contentType="text/html;charset=gb2312" %>    <%@ page language="java" import="java.sql.*" %>       <script language="javascript">    function newwin(url) {    var        newwin=window.open(ur ...
问:为什么Runtime.exec("ls")没有任何输出? 答:调用Runtime.exec方法将产生一个本地的进程,并返回一个Process子类的实例,该实例可用于控制进程或取得进程的相关信息。由于调用Runtime.exec方法所创建的子进程没有自己的终端或控制台,因此该子进程的标准IO(如stdin,stdou,stderr)都通过Process.getOutputStream(),Process.getInputStream(),Process.getErrorStream()方法重定向给它的父进程了。用户需要用这些stream来向子进程输入数据或获取子进程的输出 ...
抽象类和接口在语法和设计原则上的区别             1.类是对对象的抽象,可以把抽象类理解为把类当作对象,抽象成的类叫做抽象类           接口只是一个行为的规范或规定,微软的自定义接口总是后带able字段,证明 ...
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